Earn 100 -1000 euro per week by working at sitetalk  

Posted by unaico & sitetalk

টাকার গাছ?
এতদিন তো অনেক কথাই শুনে এসেছেন, অনলাইন থেকে টাকা আয়, এখান থেকে আয়, ওখান থেকে আয়। কিন্তু টাকা হাতে পেয়েছেন কতজন?

এবার ভাবুন ফেসবুকের কথা। এই যে আপনি দিন রাত ২৪ ঘণ্টা ফেসবুকে বসে থাকেন, এর জন্য কি আপনি ফেসবুককে কোনও ধরনের টাকা-পয়সা দেন ? কিন্তু আপনার ব্যবহার এর উপর ভিত্তি করেই কিন্তু ফেসবুক প্রতি সেকেন্ডে প্রচুর অর্থ উপার্জন করে।
ফেসবুক যদি প্রতি সেকেন্ডে আপনার জন্য ১০০ টাকা আয় করে, আর বিনিময়ে আপনাকে তা থেকে ১০ টাকা দেয়, তাহলে ফেসবুকের খুব একটা ক্ষতি হবে না, কিন্তু আপনি প্রচুর পরিমাণে লাভবান হবেন? আমরা কি আপনাকে কথাটা বোঝাতে পারলাম। আমাদের payment system এর মূল basic অনেকটা এই রকম। ক্রেডিট কার্ডের মাধ্যমে আপনি এই টাকা সরাসরি হাতে পাবেন এবং এই ক্রেডিট কার্ড কোথায় পাবেন তা নিয়েও আপনাকে চিন্তা করতে হবেনা।
এখন, আপনি কি এই ১০ টাকা নিয়েই সন্তুষ্ট থাকতে চান? নিশ্চয়ই না। নেটওয়ার্ক মার্কেটিং আপনাকে দেবে জ্যামিতিক হারে এই টাকার পরিমাণ বৃদ্ধির নিশ্চয়তা।
খুঁজে নিন আপনার ১০ জন বন্ধুকে যারা active এবং প্রত্যেকেই আরও ১০ জন করে নতুন বন্ধু খুঁজে বের করবে। শেই ১০০ জন আরও .................. 
এভাবে মাথাপিছু ১০ টাকা করে যদি আপনি পান, তাহলে টাকার অংকটা কত দাঁড়ায় একবার ভেবে দেখেছেন ? আরও বড় কথা এই যে, এতো টাকা আয় করতে আপনার খরচ হবে ০০ টাকা। তাহলে আমাদের শিরোনামে “টাকার গাছ” কথাটার তাৎপর্য এইবার ধরতে পেরেছেন ?
তাহলে আপনার অবসর সময়ের কিছু অংশ ব্যয় করে আজই শুরু করুন নেটওয়ার্ক মার্কেটিং।

Now, we are giving you an opportunity to earn 500 euro or 50,000 taka per week without any kind of investment. This is 100% true. You start with 00 and get a pocket full of MONEY.
So what are you thinking? Don’t you want to be a Billionaire?

Think about FACEBOOK. Do you pay money for using Facebook? 
But Facebook earns (a lot) when you use it. To check out how much Facebook earns a day click here. Our Money income policy is just like that.

Income Policy:
Income policy is similar to MLM (Multi Level Marketing). In this system you will invite more users to join under your network. They will invite more and more. For each new active member you will get 10 taka. Thus by this Binary Tree incoming system you will earn in an automated way.
Now let’s see, how it works?

    Thus within 40 days you will have approximately 11,110 members under your network.
    Now, if you get 10 taka per active user, you will earn 1,11,100 taka within 40 days !!!

    Now question is that- “HOW WILL YOU GET THE MONEY IN HAND?”
    You can withdraw your money every 7 days. You will get a MasterCard from the company after claiming. You can use this MasterCard to withdraw money from any ATM booth. The company will send your money to your MasterCard every 7 days.

    Legal in Bangladesh?

    1. Joint stock license in Bangladesh:
         UNAICO BANGLADESH LIMITED, reg no. C-90217
    2. DSA license:
          to check out click here

         To know how much of Bangladeshi people is using this business
         click here . See the rank of Bangladeshi
         Sitetalk user's.
    Terms and conditions:
    • No fake profile or Fake email id. Everything will be verified time to time, This will ban you from getting the money in time. 
    • You will need voter ID card or Passport ID exact details. The details in ID card must match with your account profile. 
    • You can create multiple ID (Not more than 100) of your own, use different username and valid email address, but your name and date of birth must be same as your passport or voter ID.
    • You must login once every day and update your status. This will take only 1 minute.
    • You can create as many ID of you and your friends from one computer.
    Our suggestion:
    • If you create 1 ID, you will have 1 center. If there is 1,000 members under your tree you will get 10,000tk per week.
    • but if you create another 6 ID of you, under your tree you will have 7 centers. for the same 1,000 members then you will get 70,000 per week.
    • After creating your own 7 ID you will have 8 empty hands. Pick 8 close friends as leaders. Tell them to create 7 each of their own. then tell them to invite 8 close friends of them. Thus they will help you building up your Network so quickly.

    Before starting show this site or facebook group to your close friends, discuss with your friends, then read it again, if you and your friends all are agree to work together only then go for sign up. Do your business like a successful businessman.

    how to refer your friend :
    example: http://www.sitetalk.com/nabil_islam5 (your username)
    If you have any queries

    Call: +8801674935617

    Let’s Start and please follow every single line carefully

    STEP 1:
    • Call your friends who invited you here or call +8801672520018 or +8801674935617 for Network placement. Don’t hesitate to call.
    • ·After your call we will confirm your ID.
    • ·Then you will be permitted to enter 2nd step
    STEP 2:
    • click here
    • then Click on Sign Up
    • Use your real name and real Email Address and real date of Birth.
    • Complete the Form according to passport ID or Voter ID details.
    • After completing all the field click Resister
    • Then click here and log in by entering your email id
    • After entering your site click to settings. You will find settings icon at the upper left corner to the site (Beside the sitetalk logo).
    • Click edit settings
    • Unmark the private profile. (Uncheck it by clicking on the Tick mark). and its mendatory.
    • click Update Data
    • click setting and  edit your profile minimum 70% then click update data .
    • then fill up all profile and skill information and update all data
    • click here and click join this group (left middle side under the image). 
    • click Logout
    • Then click here
    • Click login, Use your username and password to login
    • Drag your mouse to Business Overview and click your network tree
    • find your id
    • then click log out
    • just now you have successfully completed the registration process. Now you are a Sitetalk member.
    • Update your sitetalk status at least once a day and start earning by inviting more and more member.
    YOU have become a member, now what?   

    Try to create your own team. For that start communicating with your friends, tell them about the opportunity to become a billionaire. For more help about marketing click here

    now, as a registered member u can communicate with your friends by sending free sms to their cell phone. click here with your PC or cell phone. give your user name, password, cell number including international country code (example: 008801674935617 ), type your message between 0 to 150 characters, type the Security Code correctly, then click send. 

    You can also use free sms for your network marketing. 

    Here is a demo that you can use:
    "Earn 50,000tk per week without investment.

    To know more, visit:
    or call 017.......... (your cell number)"

    When a friend is ready to start register within 10 minutes then follow the process given below:
    1. click here
    2. Click login
    3. Use your username and password to login
    4. Drag your mouse to Business Overview and click your network tree
    5. check out your empty hand
    6. find out the user id under which this empty hand placed
    7. this will be the position of your new friend
    8. memorize the id
    9. then Drag your mouse to Business Overview and click network placement sponsorship
    10. type your memorized id and click Locate
    11. Select the empty hand (right or left)
    12. Click enter network placement
    13. Then click Ok
    14. Now your friend is ready for registration process
    15. Tell him to start from the process named STEP 2
    step 3: 
    • How Can Active by Sitetalk
    •  Flow in picture

    1.you must have to login minimum 3days at http://www.unaico.com/ and http://www.sitetalk.com/ for get credit.....
    1.1st goto Genelogy
    2.Click your network tree
    3.Then see your tree where you want to give placement your friends
    4.Remember that user id where you want to give placement
    5.Goto genealogy then click network placement sponsership
    6.After that write that user id below the box and locate
    6.Then select left/right   
    7.Then click enter network placement
    Earn Free member And master card member:

    Here, H and I are in reference of D, so D will earn for 2 ID. In the same way E will earn for 2 ID. So B will earn for 6 ID. In this way on the right hand C will earn for 2 ID. Now A has 7ID in the right and 3ID in the left in this position company will give 3+3=6 ID tk to A. This lost 4 ID tk will be countable till 3 months if A is able to balance that 4ID within 3 months in his right side he will gate the money…

    If you have any queries
